What is Impact Investing?
Introduction to What is Impact Investing?
with Steve Distante
Impact U Chief Disruption Officer, Steve Distante, gives an
introduction to our first course, “What Is Impact Investing?”

What is Impact Investing?
What is Impact Investing?
A discussion with Dr. Corrinne Graham
with Dr. Corrinne Graham
Dr. Corrinne Graham, founder of GRAHAM International Consulting
explains what impact investing is in this session due to her experience
with clients whose organizations are created with an Impact and/or
ESG focus.Graham International is a management consulting and
management firm that helps companies.

What is Impact Investing?
What is Impact Investing?
A discussion with Steve Distante
with Steve Distante
Vanderbilt Financial Group CEO and Impact U Chief Disruption Officer,
Steve Distante, explains what Impact Investing is from his point of view
as the leader of and Independent Broker Dealer with a passion for sustainability
and impact, supporting over 120 Independent Financial Advisors.

What is Impact Investing?
What is Impact Investing?
A discussion with Sam Pierce Part 1
with Sam Pierce
IW Financial CEO and Owner, Sam Pierce sits down to speak with
us about his take on the question, “What is Impact Investing?” In
part 1, Sam explains the “alphabet soup” as he calls it, that is Impact
Investing and what all these terms and definitions really boil down to.

What is Impact Investing?
What is Impact Investing?
A discussion with Sam Pierce Part 2
with Sam Pierce
IW Financial CEO and Owner, Sam Pierce sits down to speak
with us about his take on the question, “What is Impact Investing?”
In part 2, Sam discusses how IW Financial provides solutions and
targeted investments as a holistic approach to investing through data.

What is Impact Investing?
What is Impact Investing?
A discussion with Paul Herman
with Paul Herman
CEO and Founder of HIP Investor, R. Paul Herman, was the Keynote
Speaker at the 2015 Impact Summit hosted by Vanderbilt Financial Group.
One of the pioneers in the field, Paul shared his extensive insights
into Impact Investing with an audience very new to the strategy. Here
is a clip from his Keynote presentation, moderated by Lih-Hann Chiu,
Quantitative Solutions Advisor at HIP Investor.
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